Here's an outline of what we'll do in-class, and then some important announcements about what's coming up:
1) Work with fragments and run-ons: look at the post below and answer the poll questions. We'll take some time to discuss the results and talk about how to fix this common problems.
2) Both post and print out your essay #2 draft. Take a few minutes to read over your work. I'll be responding to the posts, and your partner will respond to the written version.
3) Mark your partner's essay with check marks for something that made you think, question marks for something that was confusing, general, or not supported by the evidence. Also mark fragments and run-ons.
4) Use your partner's comments and mine to make corrections or additions to your draft. Ask them or me questions about their marks to help you with this.
- Monday we have another guest speaker. I'm very excited that award-winning journalist Tracie McMillan will speak to us about her work on food issues, including undercover investigations. She'll touch on many of the issues you've discussed in Professor Johnson's class. We'll be joined by students from an Ethics of Food cluster and we'll be in room
C431D at our regular time. You can learn more about Tracie and her work at
her website.
- For next week, read President Obama's speech about Afghanistan from your course packs. Think about the ideology you think it puts forward and how you think it compares to that of the neocons we read about in Engler?
- Next week we'll also talk about how to expand your Power Analysis II assignment into your full research essay. To give you time to do a great job on these, we're pushing back the deadline until Wednesday, December 1st, the week after Thanksgiving. However, if you haven't yet turned in the Power Analysis II assignment, you need to turn it in as soon as possible. Talk to me, Professor Lindskoog and/or go to the writing with your questions about this. You are of course welcome to post part or all of your draft before the deadline for feedback.
- We'll also talk next week about the presentations of your research topic you'll be doing after the break, and a little about the exit exam in 101. For now, just be aware that the exit exam will deal with the readings from the third part of the class ("From Vietnam to Iraq") and that it will be an in-class, open-book exam.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Leave 'em in the comments!